For the first time in years, Fidesz might be in serious trouble! Hungary's economy is crumbling, a new political star is on ...
Orbán’s semi-authoritarian regime openly flouts freedom, democracy, the rule of law, minority rights, pluralism, tolerance ...
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban opened the Heads of Mission Conference on Monday morning at the Ministry of Foreign ...
“In terms of international pressure, Orbán is now liberated,” said the leader of the Hungarian opposition party Momentum ...
Hungary's opposition Tisza Party has launched 'Voice of the Nation' referendum, aiming to gauge public opinion on a range of ...
Now Göring knew that Hitler’s nationalist revolution (and Hitler called it “the most bloodless revolution in world history”) ...
Adrienn Laczo used to be a judge in Hungary. In protest at the government's interference in the judiciary, she resigned from her post and is now fighting for an independent judicial system as a lawyer ...
Az Ösztöndíjprogram Keresztény Fiataloknak elnevezésű kezdeményezés azoknak a keresztény fiataloknak nyújt tanulási ...
A new draft law presented on Friday in Budapest would allow Hungary's National Electoral Office to revoke the mandates of ...
Soros made this remark in response to an accusation made by the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who said that Soros was deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis now engulfing Europe." ...