Chicago is home to a plateful of iconic foods. But more than anything else, Chicago is known for its hot dogs and its pizza. WTTW News explains.
A total of more than 14,000 artifacts were unearthed, of which 6,300 were considered to be historically significant, ...
Warsaw archeology students work alongside cemetery director Witold Wrzosinski to uncover forgotten land inside Warsaw’s main ...
Since then, I have returned to Fiľakovo many times and walked its streets, trying to remember the smell of those sweet years ...
His grandfather, Frederick Trump, immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1800s from ... using the German word Deportation, which is uncomfortably resonant of the transfer of Jews to Nazi death camps ...
the home of the world's third largest Jewish Diaspora. Born Moshe Turbowicz on June 26, 1926 in Druskiennikai, pre-World War Two Poland, he survived the Lodz ghetto and German Nazi Auschwitz death ...
Provenance: Gathered from "[...] archival inventories published by various archives in Poland, published lists of Jewish records microfilmed by the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City, Utah ...
Let the Pole go back to Poland, the Russian to Russia, the Briton to Britain, and those who came from [North] Africa and from the Arab countries to the Arab countries from which the Jews left. That's ...
Lauder Foundation, member of the International Council of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and member of the Council of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. A promotor of the renewal of ...
The last time I saw Krakow was the summer of 1990. Communist power had ended in Poland, but old ways continued. The police still barked orders. The buildings moldered. The air still choked with ...