This blog highlights the harmful role of the integration narrative underlying the law and other coercive measures addressed towards “non-Western” Danes and non-Danes and the broader implications of ...
The American Civil Liberties Union is representing Mr. Khalil in a lawsuit challenging the legality of his detention, in which it alleges that the government’s actions, among other things, violate his ...
As such, this latest debacle exposes the EU Parliament’s significant and ongoing failure to correct two structural flaws in the EU public integrity framework: the contested nature of the ethical ...
Restoring the Polish rule of law without doing more damage to it is a vexing challenge. Building Back Better becomes even more complex when the current president – part of the autocratic Law and ...
Morgen verhandelt das Bundesverfassungsgericht über die Frage, ob die Altersgrenze für Notare verfassungsgemäß ist. Nach § 47 Nr. 2 Var. 1, § 48a BNotO erlischt das Amt eines Notars, sobald er die Alt ...
Several arguments have already been made about prohibiting social media access for children under 15 or 16 years, such as the risk of isolating LGBTQIA+ kids from the communities they find online.
The Palestinian right to self-determination is widely recognized in international law, including numerous UN resolutions and ICJ judgments. Even if Palestine’s full statehood status remains contested, ...
Government digital information systems regularly undergo structural changes – whether through platform consolidation during departmental mergers, migration to new technical systems, or reorganizing ...
Die erste Amtszeit Donald Trumps endete mit dem Sturm auf das Kapitol, die zweite Amtszeit begann mit dem Sturm auf den Administrative State. Ist nur ersteres oder beides ein Angriff auf die demokrati ...
SAUMYA RAVAL and JELENA BÄUMLER (ENG) add to this, arguing that the CSDDD reform overlooks the realities of informal ...
Das Lieferkettengesetz beruht auf den seit 2011 anerkannten Leitprinzipien der Vereinten Nationen für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte, die sich wiederum auf internationale Menschenrechtsübereinkommen ...
„Vernachrichtendienstlichung“ – was wie ein halber Zungenbrecher klingt, ist ein Begriff, der vergangene Woche mehrmals vor dem Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshof (BayVerfGH) fiel. Dieser hat nun über ...