Opposing Egypt and Syria against Israel, the Yom Kippur War is remembered for its swiftness—it lasted only 18 days. It is ...
Nuclear cultural impacts can be analyzed through the nuclear allegory of Godzilla, Cold War literature, the dystopia of the ...
Like the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games are held every four years. But when and how were these games—bringing together ...
The Chemin des Dames is a ridge road in northern France that was the site of several major battles during World War I, most notably during the disastrous Nivelle Offensive in April 1917. We refused to ...
Nostradamus aurait-il prédit l'affaire des Panama Papers ? Voici dix révélations sur celui qui aurait prévu la Révolution de 1789 ou encore la dictature d’Hitler. To say the least. In 1564, Catherine ...
Cosimo de’ Medici, known as Cosimo the Elder (1389–1464), was the founder of the Medici dynasty and one of the most influential figures in the 15th-century Florence. A banker and statesman, Cosimo was ...
Raphael’s father, Giovanni Santi, was an Italian painter and poet at the court of Urbino. He studied painting alongside Piero della Francesca and was the first to recognize his son’s remarkable talent ...
Rembrandt painted himself throughout his entire career, leaving behind a vast collection of around 50 self-portraits, along with numerous etchings and drawings. These works document his aging process ...
Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq, ambassador of Charles V (1500-1558), the Holy Roman Emperor, was astonished. During a diplomatic visit to Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1555, he beheld a sovereign adorned in ...
In Quattrocento Italy, princes competed to secure the best engineers. Military engineers, skilled in artillery, mechanics, and hydraulics, were highly sought after in royal courts. Leonardo da Vinci, ...
It is said that in ancient times, a giant armed with six iron balls whirling at the ends of chains terrorized Tuscany. A brave knight named Averardo di Medici, accompanying Charlemagne on his journey ...