Algeria continues to distance itself from French influence while seeking to isolate Morocco, forging new alliances with Egypt ...
Last year marked the deadliest year for migrants, with nearly 9,000 fatalities recorded on migration routes worldwide.
While most tourists stick to the Nile valley, Stanley Stewart heads west into a land of oases, temples, monks and miracles ...
The Attorney General’s Office has announced the imprisonment of the former branch manager of Sahara Bank in Al-Khums and ...
Haddad, has met with the mayors of Zuwara, Nalut, Jadu, Yefren, and Al-Qalaa, along with several officers and military ...
Of a total of 226 countries or territories with foreign travel advice pages, 73 are currently flagged as having no-go zones ...
‎The Attorney General’s Office reported yesterday that the Public Prosecutor is pursuing 228 municipal / local elections candidates for criminal incidents. Some of these ‎‎candidates, it added, have ...
CAIRO — Sudan’s military said Friday it retook the Republican Palace in Khartoum, the last heavily guarded bastion of rival ...
‎The Tripoli based Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Health, Ramadan Abujanah, met with the Indian Ambassador to ...
Cairo: A temporary calm has settled over the city of Gharyan in northwestern Libya following armed clashes involving medium-caliber weapons between two factions aligned with Tripoli authorities.