San Francisco Pride is dealing with the potential loss of $300,000 in corporate sponsorships for its hugely popular annual parade.
Rev. Terri Steed Pierce has encountered hate before. People have stood outside her church and shouted that as a gay woman she ...
Massachusetts passed a law that requires nearly all state-licensed providers of services to older adults to complete training ...
The UN urges Hungary to repeal its LGBTQ law banning pride events, citing human rights violations and freedom of expression ...
Dr. Brittany Charlton is speaking out after the NIH terminated all of her grants studying how discriminatory laws impact mental health among LGBTQ+ teens.
The Trevor Project report surveyed over 18,000 LGBTQ youth across the country last year and found high suicide risk in Texas ...
Stonewall commemorations should look less like corporate job fairs and more like torch-bearing for an ongoing uprising.
The NCAA college wrestling championships feature beautiful, fit men in tight outfits getting up close and personal. The post The most homoerotic event of the year is the NCAA college wrestling ...
As the World Transgender Day of Visibility nears, Iowa City groups are preparing more thana week of events to celebrate the ...
Trump and his followers are erasing the words we use to recognize others. Eliminating words that recognize the humanity of ...
High schoolers wanted to play "Jeopardy" with famous queer history makers, but the school board said no. Now everyone's ...
A federal judge has blocked a Biden-era rule that said providing foster children with 'safe and proper care' required placing ...