We live in a blue state. This is one way we can make a difference,” said the organizer, who was joined by a dozen other people carrying signs and eliciting beeps of support Sunday.
The new agency is designed to consolidate licensing and investigate consumer complaints of deceptive business practices.
Charges of second-degree assault and sexual contact, both misdemeanors, were filed by the Baltimore state’s attorney.
A skilled political communicator, McCarthy served three mayors, shaped the city’s political dialogue and endeared himself to many fans and friends.
A Harford County woman took this mother and daughter in, but they wonder if the U.S. government under Donald Trump might push them out.
The project has met all the legal requirements but Councilman David Marks, who lives less than a mile away, has crafted a bill to block it. [OP-ED] ...
Ex-wife Marilyn Mosby, now under home detention, is being separately sued for more than $25,000 in unpaid credit card bills.
Baltimore Inspector General’s report on solid waste worker’s death from heat exhaustion shows DPW knew he was having medical problems two days before he died and definitely on that 100 degree day.
Hours before its collapse, The Brew was on the Patapsco for another assignment and caught these images of the bridge.